If Florence Nightingale were alive today I would be asking her to speak..!
… on the invisible and vital network, beneath our feet, for which Florence was such a vehement advocate.
But the wonderfully entertaining “Professor” Matt Collins will do just as well and give a light-hearted but informative guide on what WE CAN do to save our planet by respecting the extraordinary Victorian and modern myriad of drains and sewers that keep us going (no pun unintended!)
Before “we all go down, the proverbial drain,” pop along and learn how to put a plug in it”!! WE CAN ALL HELP!
Join us at midday on 4th September for the first in our autumn Food For Thought lunches.
Please pay when making your reservation and menu choice. Cancellations with a full refund up the 28th of August. Seating is social unless requested.
Price: £19.50
To make your reservation:
Call 01903 230451 or email reservations@ardingtonhotel.co.uk.